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What a CCS™ Can Do for You:

A Certified Cash Flow Specialist is uniquely trained to build and create that plan for you: giving you a clear path to your goals, designed with the money you already have.

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I have been helping clients realize their goals and dreams for over 20 years.  I am a trusted resource who is knowledgeable in many different aspects of finance, insurance, tax and estate matters.  My clients describe me as caring, empathetic, professional, trustworthy and knowledgeable.  I realized quickly in my career that behavourial cash flow management is the first step towards taking better control of your finances, which in turn leads to attaining your goals and dreams.   I myself have worked with a cash flow plan for years, which has dramatically improved my own family's financial situation.  I have helped many clients eliminate their debts and increase their wealth over the years through this effective tool.